Coolief is a minimally invasive treatement option nerves that transmit pain signals and the first and only radiofrequency treatment FDA-cleared for the relief of osteorthrities knee pain and others.
You mat not be ready for the surgery yet and opioids have side effects that you might not want. That's why COOLIEF can bring non surgical relief to those suffering from chronic pain without the use of opioids.
What about steroids and medications?
Additional pain treatments may include steroid injections, no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids. Yet these may only provide relief for a short time, and can come with side effects.5 However, COOLIEF* has been clinically proven to provide longer-lasting pain relief and superior mobility compared to steroid injections.6,7 The procedure is also non-narcotic unlike opioids, which can pose serious risks including the potential for abuse and dependence.
How can COOLIEF* Cooled RF help?
The first and only radiofrequency treatment cleared by the FDA for osteoarthritis knee pain, COOLIEF* Cooled RF is a minimally-invasive, non-narcotic procedure that treats chronic back, knee and hip pain. Radiofrequency ablation deactivates the nerves responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. As the only currently known radiofrequency pain management system using water-cooled technology to safely deactivate pain-causing sensory nerves, COOLIEF* is clinically proven to provide long termƗ pain relief, improve physical functionality and reduced drug utilization.8,9,10 Get relief from pain with COOLIEF* Cooled RF.