This investigation evaluates the vestibulo ocular reflex (VOR), which is an important part of the vestibular system to maintain balance. It also evaluates the oculomotor system, which is responsible for gaze stabilization and fixation.
VOR helps to evaluate peripheral and central vestibular functions based on the following:
- Spontaneous nystagmus with and without horizontal and vertical optic fixation
- Gaze-evoked nystagmus
- Saccades — random and fixed
- Smooth tracking – with changing frequencies
- Optokinetic test
- Caloric test
- Positional testing, including Dix – Hallpike test, McClure’s test
- Head shaking test
- Skew deviation test
- Valsalva induced nystagmus
- Hyperventilation induced nystagmus
Features :
Easy to use, intuitive interface
Fully integrated and computerized
Projector image instead of traditional light bar
Advanced eye tracking algorithm, which eliminates errors due to blinking of the eye
Corrects the effect of spontaneous nystagmus in caloric testing
Built in fixation light and automatic calculation of slow phase velocity, directional preponderance, canal paresis and fixation index
Videos of the eye movement can be viewed during and after the test
Real-time graph generation and data analysis
Patent pending