Nbetter is the Stroke Rehabilitation System which can significantly improve Motor Function recovery in Disabled Post-stroke Patients.
Neurostyle Brain Exercise Therapy Towards Enhanced Recovery (nBETTER) is a rehabilitation system that detects visualized movements of stroke-affected limbs using Electroencephalography (EEG) based Neuro-feedback to provide visually engaging and mechanical feedback for exercising the brain towards better post-stroke recovery.
The FIRST Brain Computer Interface (BCI) based Stroke Rehabilitation System in the market With new stroke rehab: Build new motor control pathway in the brain directly.
NBETTER can be used as a standalone application or deployed as an intranet or internet application (by putting some modules on the server). The subject’s information, performance parameters and recorded EEG signals are used to give input for neurofeedback.
System Key Features
Brain-Computer interface (BCI) based Stroke Rehabilitation System
Configured for rehabilitation in Chronic and Sub-Acute stroke
Motor Imagery with Virtual Reality (VR) feedback mechanism
Innovative algorithm that is clinically-tested to detect patient’s motor intent
Portable and lightweight system
Suitable for deployment in Hospitals, Rehabilitation clinic, bedside or home